Our Journey ahead

We have talked about philosophers and their various philosophies about god, purpose and even death. Now, I wish to move onto the second phase of these blogs where I want to elaborate more on the unconventional philosophies and theories that I have my inclination towards. I know that the blogs from now on might haveContinue reading “Our Journey ahead”

The concept of Death in 21st Century

Now, the 21st century has its own perceptions of death. And one might be best described as a kind of philosophical FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Contemporary American philosopher Thomas Nagel points out that some people dread death because they’ll miss out on things that they want to encounter. If you were to die rightContinue reading “The concept of Death in 21st Century”

Are You afraid to die?

When it comes to death, philosophers, non-philosophers, we all stand on the same page. As there is nothing to know about it. There are no specialists on death, not even those studying the concept of death are ahead than the rest of us. We are all equals in thinking about death, and we all beginContinue reading “Are You afraid to die?”

God or No God

We all have had that argument before where we have questioned the existence of God. Whether he exists? Is he the creator of all? Or What if there is no God? The big bang theory? However, when it comes to philosophy, Philosophers believe in something that has an argument something that has facts. Philosophers takeContinue reading “God or No God”

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